Monday, August 22, 2011

palm fritters/taal'er bora(bengali)/ Taad vada(hindi)

1.palm pulp-250gms
2.sugar-half d amnt of the total amnt of pulp
3.flour-half d amnt of the total amnt of pulp
4.oil for frying
procedure:Take the pulp in a bowl.Add sugar and flour.Mix and make a thick batter.Now heat oil in a pan and reduce the flame when it is properly heated.Now
in a low flame,fry the fritters(*pouring the batter with a spoon) until golden brown.

Mummy's yummy palm condensed milk/ Taal'er kheer(bengali)/Taad ka mawa(hindi)

1.palm pulp-250gms
2.sugar-300gms or more
4.coconut-grated(1 cup)
5.Dry fruits
Heat the milk over a low flame until it is reduced and is of a thick consistency.Now add the pulp,sugar and grated coconut and keep on stiring.Cook until the milk has
dried as shown in the pic.Garnish with dry fruits.refrigerate and serve.
 *note: Condensed milk or powdered milk can also be used in place of milk which makes the recipe more easy.In this case,the pulp,sugar,condensed milk/powederd milk and
grated coconut should be mixed before hand and then cook it until the mixture becomes dry.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Pammi's hot and sweet stir fried prawns!!

1.prawns(medium sized)-250gms
2.capsicum-1(cut into long thin strips)
3.onion-2(cut into thin strips)
4.garlic-cut lengthwise
6.salt to taste
9.sugar-1/2tsp chillies- 4-5 chopped

Clean and devein the prawns keeping the shell and the tail intact.Now marinate the prawns with salt and 1tsp vinegar and keep aside for 10 mins.Heat oil in a pan.Fry the onions till they turn transparent.Now add the capsicum,prawns,garlic and ginger and saute them for 2 mins.Add salt,vinegar,green chillies and sugar and stir fry them for another 2-3 mins.Serve hot!!
Point to remember: Cook on a low flame so as to prevent the vegetables and the prawns from getting overcooked.